NN of Hardhill James N x Margaret Woodburn had no children

This is probably very reliable as it was written at the time of death of James N
Ayr 1728 “JAMES Nisbet, son to JOHN Nisbit of HARDHILL, Ensing or Lieutennant in the Castle of EDINBURGH, dyed some moneths ago. He was a very eminent and singular Christian-- A little before his death, he gote my Lord Grange’s acquaintance,and he sometimes visited him in the Castle. He said to my Lord, HE WAS THE LAST OF HIS OLD FAMILY, (AND HAD NO CHILDREN), and had a nepheu bound to be a barber, to whom he was to leave his papers, and an old Wickliffe’s Neu Testament, which had been in the family of Hardhill since the Reformation, and his Diary. 1 That his papers about civil affairs wer in some disorder, and he had nobody he could trust those to till his nepheu greu up but his Lordship, and begged he would take the trouble of them.” Lord Grange made some difficulty about undertakingthis responsibility, and meanwhile “It pleased the Lord, as a great mercy to JAMES Nisbit, to incline his nepheu to a liking to what is good andserious…. A feu dayes before his death he sent my Lord, and told nou he was adying, and he had gote his papers and rights in some order, and could nou trusthis nepheu…with them and the family Wickliffe’s Testament.” - Wodrow in his “Analexta,” under the year 1728 (vol.iii p. 518), (my note As he was the last of this old family this would then mean he had no Nisbet relatives possibly from Murdoch as he is referring to his bible. also no doubt no living Nisbet descendants after his father John the martyr of Hardhill. We could then conclude that his siblings died in a cave with his mother as has been reported, or later but before 1728 with no children. The nephew would then not have been a Nisbet and most likely was a nephew of his wife)