AGM and other N/N Games in the SE Region in 2019

Announcing our AGM this year and all other SE Region Highland Games
The N/N’s have several Highland Games in their future this year. The southeastern region had planned to attend the Central FL Games again in January., but unfortunately had to cancel with short notice. However, we’re now considering adding two games that we have not attended before, as well as two of our usual games. Check with your regional rep. to see what games they plan to attend, too!
We will be attending the Gallabrae Games in Greenville, SC on Memorial Day weekend as we’ve done for several years. These are some of our favorite Games and we always have a lot of Nesbit’s and Nisbet’s attend. And we are thrilled to announce that our AGM will be at the Stone Mtn. GA Highland Games in mid-October! These are always very large and well attended Games both Sat. & Sunday, with around 120-30 Scottish Societies attending, multiple Pipe and Drum bands, vendors galore, competitions, great entertainment tents, etc., and a Parade of Tartans that just stretches on forever. If you can imagine 3-10 members times 120+ clans, well, that’s a lot of kilts in the parade and lined up on the field at one time!
We are in the beginning stages of planning all the details for both those attending the AGM locally and those coming from far away for this big event. We want to see you all there so please view the dates of all that we’re planning below, and mark your calendars now for a very fun and friendly time shared with your family!
Here are the Games, dates, and locations:
Name Date City/State Event Location
Gallabrae Games May 25-26, 2019 Greenville, SC Furman University
Stone Mtn. H.Games Oct. 18-20, 2019 Stone Mtn. GA Stone Mtn. Park

Tartan Day South April 4-7, 2019 Columbia, SC Columbia Speedway **
Scottish Society of Charleston Nov. 2, 2019 Charleston, SC Boone Hall Plantation **
** denotes tentative games; once we firm up or change them, we will put notices on the Society website and FaceBook page.